World War Z Review

The film starts out with Brad Pitt playing a loving, stay-at-home dad. This alone is something we've never seen from him, and the change is welcome. It makes his character more endearing than some heartless action hero. And that endearment stays with you throughout the film, even when the summer blockbuster portion of the movie kicks into gear.
Brad Pitt is awesome in his role of Gerry Lane. As I mentioned before, the loving father aspect of his character is charming. And, of course, he's not bad at kicking some serious zombie butt either.
Mireille Enos does a solid job playing Pitt's wife, but the character doesn't do much other than wait around worried about her husband. Its not really a complaint, just a restriction on the character's role.
Once the film begins its high-octane zombie action (which is fairly early on in the movie), you really start to realize that the film is original, and fun. It provides enough scary moments to keep you on the edge of your seat, and the plot itself is intense and exciting. The film takes an interesting turn in the third act, a part that features the most breathtaking scene in the movie.
The film isn't all good, however. There were many parts that I felt were just simply too predictable, and took away from my suspense. I won't give away any spoilers, but I just found a few scenes that were supposed to be exciting weren't because it was obvious what was going to happen.
World War Z is an exciting, suspenseful, and thrilling film that moves along at a pleasingly brisk pace. It provides plenty of frightening moments, and features solid performances all-around. I left the theater after the showing of the film not disappointed as many fans of the book expect to be, but instead fully satisfied, and wanting more.Rating: 8/10
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